Do I Need a Realtor When Purchasing a New Construction Home?

by | Nov 30, 2021 | Real Estate | 0 comments

Many home buyers who are purchasing a new construction home don’t know if they should use a real estate agent or not. There is a lot to the process of purchasing a home, as each transaction presents a different set of circumstances. New construction homes present their own set of details and things to pay attention to when it comes to your purchase.

Whether it be new construction or not, securing a real estate agent who is experienced in the process eases the burden. It also makes the process quicker. Real estate agents serve as a trusted guide in the murky waters of new home construction. Chances are that an experienced agent has been a part of new construction more times than they can count. Just because a house is new does not mean it won’t have issues.

What can a real estate agent do for me when purchasing a new construction home? 

Real estate agents know the best builders when it comes to new construction. Real estate agents walk into many new homes and work with many different builders over time. They know the best builders in the area with the best track records. Agents also know all of the little things, such as the strengths and weaknesses of each new home builder. They can advise you of what to watch out for with each builder, and how to make sure the details are correct.

They will know the home layouts available and can refer you to the best builder for your layout, style and who has the best reputation. Some builders are more experienced and better specialized at certain homes than others. Much of this information cannot be found on Google or in other resources. So working with a real estate professional offers insights that you cannot research on your own.

They can assist with your home inspection. 

Not getting a new home inspection can be very costly in the long run for the purchaser. Many new construction home buyers don’t realize they should have gotten an inspection until after they move in and have problems. Even a new house can have items that are wrong or were overlooked in the build process.

In any home buying case, an inspection is a must-have. Realtors can assist you in securing your inspection. They also are great at ensuring any problems are rectified before closing. Real estate agents often very familiar with the inspectors. They can offer an educated recommendation to make sure a detail-oriented person completes your new home inspection.

They can assist you with negotiating a fair price. 

Let a realtor do the hard part of the negotiation process for you. Allow your realtor to do what they are best known for when it comes to negotiating. Using a realtor can assist you in paying less for your new construction dream home. Your real estate agent will know how upgrades or customizations work, what the market expectations are, and how to work with a builder to get what you want at the right price.

Ultimately, a real estate agent can assist you in getting more bang for your buck. All the while ensuring things in your new home were done correctly. Since they have likely either been through the process many times themselves or they can draw on the experiences of their fellow realtors, you obtain improved insight into how to negotiate. Nothing beats a real estate agent who has your interests at heart, but can separate the emotion from the process and negotiate with a clear head.

Real Estate Agents Help

Each REALTEAM agent is deeply experienced with the real estate process. Our agents are real people who have sold an astounding number of homes to real people in the Michigan real estate market. We work with future homeowners who want to purchase a new or existing home. Either way, our agents are veterans of the real estate market with results to back it up. Get started today with a REALTEAM agent who can set you up for success in your next new home purchase.


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